Tuesday, 11 February 2014

GUEST POST: Valentine's - The Outfit and the Gift

Hello my lovelies!

I'm Sami and I write ThatRedheadSaid; a lifestyle blog which covers pretty much anything and everything! I'm a 26 year old Medical Neuroscience student at the University of Sussex. I have a daft cat called Lily and have been with my long-suffering boyfriend for 4 and a half years - but we have known each other since we were just 12 years old! Aww. 

Anyway!! Today I'm going to talk about two key factors of Valentines Day date night. For the girls, I've devised an outfit solution, and for the boys I have been searching the internet for gift ideas.

I have created what I think it a beautiful, elegant outfit to use as inspiration. The key here is not to go over-board. As much as we love to dress up for our guys, after many years with my boyfriend and talking with his friends, I have learned that less is more. I love New Look, and this entire outfit is by them.

Don't forget if you're a student, you get 10% off with New Look all year!

I am also planning a 'how-to' make-up post so be sure to stay tuned for that.

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Now. Boys. Pay attention. I am going to help you really impress your girl and earn you some serious brownie points. You can order all of this online, so you don't need to feel super awkward in any shops or get any stick from your mates. You don't have to lavish her with gifts; the ones that will really make her smile are the ones that show you put some thought into it. I hope these will inspire you and serve as a useful guide.

Pro tip: No hearts, and be creative!!

I hope this has been helpful and eased some anxiety! 

Talk to you all again soon!! :)


  1. I'm totally in love with new look at the moment, this is a really pretty outfit. I sure wouldn't mind a lush gift set for valentines that's for sure ;) thank you for the post sami :) xx

  2. I really love that clutch bag.
    I used to love New Look when we were in the UK. I really miss it now :(
