Friday, 7 February 2014

A Lovely Day Out

Whether it's a sunny february day that makes you feel like spring is finally on it's way, or a dull day that you'd rather spend in bed, this outfit would surely brighten up a day out with your loved one.

One thing I love most (almost as much as staying in bed all day) is going on little adventures with the boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, we don't usually go on long journey with pirates or discover new countries but you never know even that might happen some day. However, we rather enjoy going for walks, may it be around town, the quays or to feed the ducks. Sometimes I just put on jeans and a jumper for such an event as really it's not the occasion you dress up for, but sometimes we go for a drink or a meal afterwards so I like to put on something nice. And with a photographer for a boyfriend you never know what's gonna happen (he does have a lot of pictures of me wearing jeans and a hoodie though).

The Dress - New Look
This is rather suitable for a valentines day out and it's exactly the style dress I love, easy to wear but still interesting with the heart pattern and a bit more than I'd wear every day.

The Jumper / The Cardigan - New Look
I've put both of these in because I couldn't decide really like them both. I have been loving wearing jumpers on top of dresses lately as they keep you nice and warm, but the cardigan would look nice open too and show more of the dress, so it's up to you really.

The Socks - Topshop
I love this still of socks, especially with ankle boots as they make them look a bit cuter. As it is still rather chilly outside, I would wear them on top of tights, probably black ones for this outfit. (and because I always wear black ones).

The Boots - New Look
Ankle boots and dresses just go so well together. I actually own these in brown and they are really comfortable and have just that little bit of heel to make me feel that little bit taller which is always nice. They're great because they'd look lovely with almost any outfit.

The Bag - Topshop
For some people this might be a bit too much red. However since I am not a fashion expert I would probably still wear it as it makes me happy when colours match. I just love satchel bags and this one is a good size aswell, I don't like tiny bags which are too small to fit my purse in, what's the point?!



  1. I love the New Look dresses. Super cute and are a lovely fit. You can't beat a lovely pair of ankle boots either!

    1. they really are aren't they? I'm in love with new look at the moment. ankle boots are great all year around I find :) so they're definitely worth getting :)

  2. I love the dress! I tend to merge with reds, so I'd have to hunt down another colour - navy is one of my favourites!

  3. Those socks have just made my day!

  4. I need those socks in my life! That dress, too! This is truly the perfect Valentine's Day outfit, Mags! Now I'm all in a fizz over what to wear! haha xx

    1. haha god yeah I have no idea what to actually wear. probably just pyjamas xD

  5. I'm taking inspiration from your post - I usually just settle into the pug walking outfit, but I need more dresses like this in my life!

    1. I'm usually like that, it's just nice to feel pretty sometimes isn't it :)
