Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Date Night Make Up Video

I'm so excited to be doing my first ever make up video today and to be sharing it on Fellowship of the Bloggers! I didn't realise how daunting it would be posting my "make up faces" on the internet, so please no judgement there. We all do it! Whenever the mascara comes out, you know there will be stupid faces involved! That's actually the reason I edited out me doing my eyeliner. I'm practically blind and had to get riiiighhhhttt up close and personal with the mirror and laptop while I was putting it on and I didn't think you guys needed to see that!

All the make up used in this video is 100% cruelty free and vegan and is by a brand called Arbonne. In order of appearance:

Primer, Liquid Perfecting Foundation in Neutral Beige, Eyeshadow in Linen, Eyeshadow in Smoke, Liquid Eyeliner in Black, Triple Action Mascara in Black, Bronzer, Sheer Glow Highlighter, Lipstick in Runaway Rouge.

If you're interested in any of those products you can purchase them from using my Arbonne Independent Consultant ID: 613297231

Do you have a go-to make up look for date nights and special occasions and things? I usually like to wear winged eyeliner but I left the tips off for this look because my boyfriend tells me "you look better without those line things near your eyes" and also because I wanted to keep the make up simple for this video.

Thanks for watching!
Sunae xo


  1. As I've been telling you since I first saw this video, you're beautiful Sunae and the video is pure gold. We shall dance like that the minute we meet. I shall pick you up from the airport doing that dance. Just watch me!

    1. Thank you so much, Sam! Haha, I don't doubt you would, either! xx

    2. I've just seen this reply!
      I've decided that we may need some sort of hat for this airport dance we're going to do. And of course our mermaid tails. xx

  2. I've nominated you all for the Versatile Blogger Award!

  3. You are so gorgeous! Share some with the rest of us! ;) x

    1. Aww, Tilly! Thank you! Us FOTB girls are all a very attractive bunch in my opinion ;) xx

  4. Sunae you are amazing, you've taught me a thing or to about contouring! x

    1. Aww, thanks Michelle! I am so glad if this video actually taught someone something! I was rather worried I'd get comments saying I've done something wrong! haha xx
