Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The 5 Loves of my Life

If you read my last post, you'll know that I'm single and I don't have that kind of love in my life at the moment. But that doesn't mean I don't have love for other things and that I'm not loved.
I think it's very important for us to understand that love is not just one thing. It's forever moving and changing. There are thousands of different types of love from the buoyant love you feel for your favourite cereal to that in-your-bones love for your family. And after quite a cynical look at the "love" offered from online dating sites, I want to have a little look at the five things I am certain I love.
And I don't want you to know how bitter I really am. I have unicorns on my socks.

Source: WeHeartIt

1. My family
Pretty simple right? But I can't really express in words how much I love my parents. We're not really an extended family kind of unit, we rarely see uncles and aunts and grandparents even though we do love them. I grew up as an only child and so my parents' love was incredibly important and I was lucky enough to be gifted the parents that I have. My mother and father have supported me in everything I've ever done and they have never wavered in their unconditional love for me.
In return, I think I've loved them pretty well. I was never a sullen teenager, I never rebelled or did things out of spite to hurt them. My parents have been my compass, my shoulder to cry on, my rock, my soundboard and my undying cheerleading team.

2. My animals
Every single animal that has ever been taken in by our family has been treated as an individual. Each animal has been allowed to be themselves and develop their own personality. I have loved every one of them in unique ways for everything they are. I have shed tears over every injury, death or loss. Animals light up your life, they make things better and they love you because of you and not because of the car you drive or what you wear.

3. My best friends
I have two of them.
Linda is my German friend. My dad makes Hitler jokes whenever he sees her and it doesn't even phase her. She's quite a bit older than me, but she's super smart and she makes me want to better myself academically. Linda is one of the most supportive people I know. Maybe it's the language thing or just Linda, but she is incredibly direct and that has positives and negatives in equal measure. Linda is not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong but she's also incredible at telling me when I'm awesome. I miss her everyday.
And finally, Matthew. We have been on a roller coaster throughout our friendship and that's ok with me. We have a friendship that no one could ever understand and honestly I'm not sure I even understand it. But I love what we have anyway.

4. Movies
I'm not really a music person. I listen to it and I enjoy it but it doesn't have the same effect on me as it does on some people. I am quite happy to have music on in the background but if you talk through my movie, I will get violent.
There's something magical about a movie that completely and utterly understands you and puts it on a huge screen for everyone to see. Or a movie that takes you away to a world that's a manifestation of someone's imagination and you're privileged enough to take a sneak peek. Or even a movie that scared the living daylights out of you in a way you can't shake.
I have a love for movies that is unwavering.

5. Food
This is kind of obvious because I have a food blog but I really do love all kinds of foods. This makes people nervous. They often refuse to cook for me and always compare my food to theirs. It's frustrating because I would never judge someone's food against mine, ever. Not because I feel mine is untouchable and amazing but because I appreciate being cooked for.
Food is love in my opinion which means that if you take the time to shop, cook and serve your food for me, you're showing me a little bit of love. And I respect that. And appreciate it more than you'll ever know. So to anyone who has ever made me something, thank you, it was awesome.

There are also other things I love like watching rugby with my dad, my country, my new deck shoes and the smell of freshly cut grass. But I wanted you to be able to finish reading this post this year so I'll refrain from naming them all.
I hope there are some things that you love unconditionally too and maybe you could share a few of them with me below?

Love Samantha

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